WAIT! Your registration isn’t complete…
Read the following details carefully to attend the workshop.
If you don’t complete this step, you won’t be able to attend.
Please read this entirely, don’t skim through it - it’s short, I promise!
In order for this to work, we need everyone who attends to be serious about showing up on both days and about doing the work.
To do that, we need to filter the serious ones from the non-serious ones.
We’re not going to ask you to invest any money, but we are going to need your “verbal confirmation” that you’ll show up & do the work.
So in order to attend this workshop & start consistently driving results with our system,
You’ll just need to set up a short, 10-15-minute “verbal confirmation” call with Tinaca.
It’s not a sales call - we won’t try to sell you anything.
On that call - you’ll just give your verbal “yes” to showing up & doing the work,
And then Tinaca will give you the link for both days of the workshop!
And that’s it!
So if you want to start consistently elevating team performance and driving results with our systems,
And you’re serious about showing up & doing the work,
Then pick a time for your 10-15-min, “verbal confirmation” call here: